The Company You Keep | Dr. D. K. Olukoya

The Company You Keep

A Message by Dr. D. K. Olukoya (General Overseer, Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries)

Prayer Points
1.                  Thou power of delayed blessing, die, in the name of Jesus
2.                  Every discouraging power, I disgrace you.
3.                  O God, arise and show me favour, in the name of Jesus.

In Proverbs 13:20, the Bible says, “He that walketh with wise men shall be wise, but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.”

Proverbs 27:19, “As in water face answereth to face, so the hearth of man to man.” 1 Samuel 10:5 reads, “After that thou shalt come to the hill of God, where is the garrison of the Philistines; and it shall come to pass, when thou art come thither to the city, that thou shalt a company of prophets coming down from the high place with a psaltery and a tabret and a pipe and a harp before them and they shall prophesy. And the spirit of the Lord will come upon thee, and thou shalt prophesy with them, and shalt be turned into another man.”

Double Brace: As a matter of necessity, if you partner with dogs, you will soon learn how to bark. If you partner with pigs, you will soon learn how to litter a place, even if the place was clean when it was handed over to you. If you partner with eagles, you would soon learn how to fly high.
It is the company that you keep that will decide whether you will turn to another man or not. Your company decides so many things about you. In 1 Corinthians 15:33, the Bible says, “Be not deceived, evil communications corrupt good manners.”

It has been well said, show me your friend and I will tell you the kind of person you are. As a matter of necessity, if you partner with dogs, you will soon learn how to bark. If you partner with pigs, you will soon learn how to litter a place, even if the place was clean when it was handed over to you. If you partner with eagle, you would soon lean how to fly high. The hard fact about life that many of us don’t realise is that you become those you closely associate with, whether for good or for bad. Many major sorrows, many major setbacks spring out of relationship with wrong people. The company you keep may decide your destiny. Many of us need to break free from a particular company that has held us down. Because in life, the less you associate with some people, the more your life will improve. There are some people, the more you associate with them, the more your life would go down. If a fornicator is not a nuisance to you, then it is sign that you are a fornicator yourself. If a liar is not a nuisance to you, it is a sign that you are a liar yourself. If somebody who doesn’t want to do anything is not a nuisance to you, then you are a loafer yourself. If a drunkard is not a nuisance to you, then you are a drunkard yourself. If a womaniser is not a nuisance to you, it shows you are a womaniser too. If a smoker is not a nuisance to you, although you don’t put the stick in your mouth, you’re a smoker yourself. People who want to fulfil their destiny are very impatient with negative thinking and negative acting people.

A woman notices that her friend was just making money, getting rich, buying cars; this was a woman who was selling palm oil before and was very poor. All of a sudden, she stopped selling palm oil; she began to buy gars and build houses. Her friend did not know what she did. So this woman began to tell her friend, “Show me the way.” That friend of hers didn’t want to tell her anything. But as she still pressurises her, her friend said, “Okay, I will take you to one baba somewhere.” And they went to this baba, and the baba said, “Are you ready to do what your friend did before she prospered?” She said, “Yes.” She didn’t ask what her friend did. She just said yes. The baba said, “Okay, no problem. Swallow this and that; take this one put it in the fridge, give it to all your children to eat and your husband. Then come back in two weeks time.” She went home with these things. Immediately it was two weeks, her first son took ill and began to roll on the floor crying “mummy, help me!” So the first person the woman called was her friend and told here about the sickness of the boy. The friend said, “But baba told you and you said you are ready to do what I did?” She said, “Ah! What did you do?” The woman now said, “Don’t you know that I lost my first son to get the money.” So, the woman now said, “Is that the kind of money? I don’t want, take me back there.” She carried her son and ran to the baba’s house and said, “Baba, I’m not doing again, I don’t want the money.” The company you keep can make and unmake you.

Failure wants your company, but you would not have to go into the company of failure. You don’t have to let the failure enter through the door into you. The truth is that you become like those you’re associating with. Then as you grow in your life, your associations would change according to your maturity. You may have friends who would want you to move forward. You many have friends who want you to stay where they are. You may have friends who cannot help you to climb, but they want you to crawl. You could have friends who would choke your vision and your dream. But the bottom line is this and that’s the truth: any friend that you have that does not increase you will eventually decrease you. You have to now insinuate yourself from negative people with negative ideas. Any company that you have joined now that is assigned to pull your life down, I separate you from them in the name of Jesus. But you say you have known each other from the secondary school, the question is since you knew the person from secondary school, what value has he added to your destiny? One of the saddest days in my life, was a day I left home very happy because they were doing a student re-union of my former secondary school. It was for our own class and I was looking forward to going there. I was looking forward to seeing people and calling them the nicknames we used to call them. My own nickname was “Omoolopa” – child of a police man – my father was a police man. So we all had nicknames like that. I was so much looking forward to it. When we arrived at that meeting, by the time I spent five minutes, I became unhappy. I could see that basically all of them had remained as they were when we were in the school. Those who were running after girlfriend then, now have many wives. Those who were telling lies then, they are now 419 people. The only few people who had changed there were those who met Christ. There was one boy in our class, we called him Anikulapo Kuti because he could sing like Fela, and he danced like Fela. By the time he came, he was a wreck. You cannot continue a relationship because it started a long time ago, when it is not adding value to your destiny. Your best friend always operates at night, then you need to break it if you must make heaven and if you must pursue your destiny. But on the other side, no road is too long when you are in the right company. But you will get the worst of the bargain if you’re exchanging ideas with the wrong person. There are some people when you are with them; the time you spend with them is an investment. But there are some people; the time you spend with them is wasted time. There are some people who desire to marry, but anytime you’re in their presence, no Bible study, no prayer. It is only kissing, petting that he would do for hours. No plan about your future. You haven’t found a husband yet, he is an unfriendly friend. But the reality is that, bad behaviour robs us more easily than good behaviour. So some friendships are consistently negative and they hold potential negative consequences for your life. You must break such things. Anytime you notice that you are in the presence of somebody and you don’t feel godly, but feel ungodly, lustful (feeling as in you should commit fornication) or do evil, you better run away from that company. The person is a destroyer.

This is why, sometimes, by the time you get to know a person very well, you discover that the person is a total stranger to your destiny. Which company do you keep? What company are you in now? You must make up your mind that you must break from the company of the chicken and join the company of the angel. You must break from the company of those who don’t have anywhere to go and join the company of those who are going somewhere. You must break loose from the company of those who have re-written their family history in the negative way and join those who are rewriting it in the positive way. If your best friend is an unbeliever, then you should conclude that you are an unbeliever yourself. If something is working like a duck, talking like a duck, swimming like a duck, you would conclude that you are looking at a duck. Many are like this, yet they wonder what is happening?

One boy was telling his mother that she was always criticising him that he was going to place she doesn’t like. He said, “Mummy, you too follow me one day; I used to follow you to church, follow me to where I go one day.” One day mummy said, “Okay, take me there.” He took the mother to a film house. When they entered the cinema hall, the mummy noticed that the whole place was in darkness. She said, “My son, this place is dark.” He said, “Yes they have to show the film at the front. The thing has to be dark.” His mother replied, “Since this people are so comfortable in darkness, then I conclude that they are what the Bible call children of darkness.” The son said, “No don’t call them children of darkness. They are here to watch film.” After sometime, the mummy said, “Now ok, can we pray before we start watching the film?” The boy said, “Ah! Mummy you don’t pray in a place like this. This is embarrassing.” The mummy replied, “Wherever I cannot pray, then I’m in the wrong company. I must go home.” Are you still in the cinema Christian? You go and watch a film, something is wrong somewhere. There are different companies that are available. If you are in the wrong company, use this time to break free. We did not say you should not go and minister to unbelievers so that they can surrender their lives to Jesus. You can minister to them, but you must not join in their iniquity. Light and darkness don’t operate together. There is no relationship between the temple of God and Belial.

These are the companies:
1.                  Pretenders
2.                  Exploiters
3.                  Robbers
4.                  Betrayer
5.                  Promise Breakers
6.                  Cheats
7.                  Gossips
8.                  Abusers
9.                  Competitors’ company
10.              Copycats
11.              Manipulators
12.              The miserable friends
13.              Accusers
14.              Lazy ones
15.              Envious friends
16.              Addicts to things like drug, cigarette, alcoholic
17.              Proud people
18.              Know it all
19.              Bully i.e. forcing you to do things
20.              Attention seekers
21.              The procrastinators
22.              Stingy friends
23.              The chameleon company
24.              The disloyal company
25.              The party company
26.              The selfish company
27.              Parasite friends
28.              The actors
29.              Defensive company
30.              Pessimistic friend
31.              The company of failure
32.              Unproductive company
33.              Sexual friends
34.              The liars
35.              The demoters
36.              The emptiers
37.              The spoilers
38.              Wasters
39.              Equalisers
40.              The chicken
41.              Average
42.              The witchcraft company
43.              The familiar spirit company
44.              The cult
45.              Hell fire friend
46.              Prayerless company
47.              No Holy Ghost company
48.              No Bible company
49.              No destiny company
50.              No excellence company

1.                  You must be born again
2.                  You must reject counselling from ungodly
3.                  You must reject counsel from the unproductive
4.                  You must avoid discussing your problem with somebody who is incapable of bring solutions
5.                  Don’t follow anyone who is not going anywhere
6.                  Decide to fortify yourself and your life with right friendship
7.                  Learn to let go when it is necessary

Note this beloved, there are some people who will abandon you and walk away from you at a stage in your life. There are some people who will separate by themselves without you quarrelling with them. Once you discover that somebody doesn’t want to stay with you, the best thing is to allow them to go. Stop begging them to stay. Stop attaching yourself to somebody who has detached already. Your destiny is never tied to anybody who has detached himself from you. When you’re a prayerful person and you’re working with God and somebody decides to break off, let the person go – it means that the person was not joined to you in the first place.

In Pastoral Ministry, we have two kinds of pastors. We have the pastors we call Pillars. We have the ones we call Scuffles. The pillars will stay. The scuffles always go away. The tragedy of the scuffles is that they would have helped you to build the house but would now go away. The Bible says they were not of us, if they were of us they would not have gone away from us. So if the person is for you, he would not just disjoin himself away from you. You must stop putting your eggs under a dead hen. Many of us need to do some serious thinking. Analyse your friends. Evaluate what they have contributed to your life. Evaluate the havoc they have done to you. Evaluate the terrible advice that they have been giving to you that led you where you are now. Then make up your mind that enough is enough. Your company decides what God would do in your life. Your company decides whether you’re moving forward or you’re moving backward. Your company decides what the Lord would do in your life. When you stay too long in wrong company, sometimes, you block the good company anyway.

Prayer Points
1.                  Company of darkness caging my destiny, your time is up, die, in the name of Jesus.
2.                  Every destiny robber operating in my life, die, in the name of Jesus.
3.                  O God arise, direct me to a good company where I will be useful for you, in the name of Jesus.
4.                  Power to locate my right company, fall upon my life, in the name of Jesus.
5.                  Every witchcraft network manipulating my life, die, in the name of Jesus.
6.                  Thunder bold of God, begin to scatter the route of any witch troubling me, in the name of Jesus.
7.                  Let any witchcraft route, constructed against me, become dark and slippery in the name of Jesus.
8.                  Let the route of my household witchcraft become their graveyard in the name of Jesus.
9.                  Every power, contending with God’s purpose for my life, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
10.              Every power, digging the pit of my destiny, be roasted by fire, in the name of Jesus.
11.              Every power trading with my destiny, be destroyed by the blood of Jesus.

Source:            Sound the Battle Cry – a bimonthly spiritual warfare bulletin of messages by Dr. D. K. Olukoya (The General Overseer, Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries) for prayer warriors and intercessors.

Who Are You? | Dr. D. K. Olukoya

Message Title: Who are You?

Minister: Dr. D. K. Olukoya

Who Am I?Mathew. 16-18: “when Jesus came into the coasts of Caes-a-re’a Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, whom do men say that I the son of man am? And they said, some say that thou art John the Baptist: some Elias: and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets. He said unto them, but whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, blessed are thou, Simon Bar-jo’na; for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my father which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, that thou are peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and gates of hell shall not prevail against it”.

John 1:19-23: “And this is the record of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, who are thou? And he confessed, and denied not: but confessed, I am not the Christ. And they asked him, what then? Art thou E-li-as? And he said, I am not. Art thou prophet? And he answered, No. then said they unto him, who art thou? That we may give an answer to them that sent us. What sayest thou of thyself? He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, make straight the way of the LORD, as said the prophet E-sai-as”.

We need to identify the deepest root of failure. The difference between the poor and the rich sometimes is information; somebody has information, which the other does not have.

Sometimes, the difference between the great and the small is knowledge. Somebody has also said nobody has a mountain, the mountain we all have is ignorance. Many have made many outstanding discoveries, the telephone – a very important discovery. When the fellow who discovered it first started playing around with it; they said he was playing with kiddies toys that he should become a serious person and leave it; but now we have a telephone. When the boys who built the first airplane started doing it at the back of their garden, people were laughing them to scorn. When the first fellow to build a motor car was working on it; people insulted him and asked him to buy a horse which everyone used at that time but he kept to it.

If I ask some simple questions like “who discovered America?” For somebody who knows a bit of history, your answer will be Christopher Columbus, he made a very great discovery. “Who discovered River Niger?” According to our history book, there was a fellow called mongo Park, and there was a song we sang in those days “------ at the bank of Niger River-----“.  But all these discoveries no matter how important they are, there is no greater discovery than to yourself.

It is possible to be born again, sanctified, spirit filled, a pastor, much more and still you do not know you are.

That is why this question comes to you today. WHO ARE YOU? A very important question; it is like asking for your identity card. Ignorance about your identity can sometimes put you in hardship. The lesson on identity is very important; Jacob learnt this secret a long time ago.

Jacob saw that by his identity he was not in the place of blessing. After wasting his time, he got the blessing meant for his brother; he got his brother’s identity and dropped his own. When he found he was no longer there he ran back to God to rediscover his true identity. After he discovered his identity, he knew his name had to be changed; for him to enjoy true blessings. One of Satan’s most effective devices is for Christian to be completely ignorant of their true identities and the devil is an expert at confusing people in this area. He tried it with Jesus, so he will try it on us as well. He told Jesus “if thou be the son of God”, if thou be “command this stones to become bread”. What was he trying to do? He was trying to make Jesus doubt His identity.

So if Jesus did not know who He was, the devil would have confused Him and got away with it. You would have thought that will be the end of it because Jesus gave him the correct answers. Again when Jesus got to the cross, the devil was there, speaking through the men saying, “If you are the Son of God come down from that cross.” The devil will speak to Christians, saying if you are a child of God why are you suffering, is your God asleep and he fills your mind with all types of evil thoughts. I am asking this important question again. Who are you?

Some people when they pray, they call themselves all kinds of names ---- Father Lord, thank you because I am your unworthy servant, miserable sinner, unfit, bad believing that if he keeps saying that before God, God will think he is humble. No. all you are doing is showing your satanic identity card to the Almighty God. Anyone praying like that shows that he or she does not know who he or she is. The devil will whisper dirty words into the ear of a believer and he starts thinking and meditating on it, the same devil will come behind you and blame you for thinking on it. If you are a Christian, why are you thinking like this, you then start to cry because you do not know who you are?

The prodigal son was rotten and he had done a lot of terrible thing but the bible tells us that he came to a stage in his life, he came to himself, using our local English it means his “head became correct”, when his “head became correct”, he knew the son of who he was and that he was not a slave. Then he said to himself I will arise and go to my father; I have had enough of this……

The devil whips people forward and backward if they do not know who they are. You must know who you are. Note the life of Jesus in your Bible from the beginning of His life to the cross. He was always talking about who He is, what He is, what His mission in life is. He kept telling them, “I am the light of world, I am the bread of life, I am the living water, I am the son of God, I am the way, the truth and the life”, he repeated these over and over.

It is possible to be born again, sanctified, spirit filled, a pastor, much more and still you do not know you are.


I am not asking you what your name is because at this level your name is no longer important at all. You could put a donkey down and call the donkey a horse and you say donkey do you hear you are a horse and you dress the donkey like a horse. When the time comes to run everybody will know it was a donkey and not a horse, so the name is not important now.

Who are you, what is your spiritual identity? If you do not know this then the person is like Peter, who was free from jail but he knew he was free.

The day you know who you are, that day you have won the greatest battle. A time when we are asked to go and pray for somebody, you say “who born me well?” Preach in the bus, you say “my heart is dirty”. Command the enemies to lose their hold and you say “if I do so now and they fire back, how do I respond?”

This feeling of unworthiness has made many Christians targets for the devil. When you know who you are and you keep confessing it, things then begin to happen. They said unto Elijah “man of God come down from the mountain” and he said “if I be that name your called me, let fire come down……” and it was so. If you ask many to say “all the witches and wizards in the whole of this environment cannot overcome me”, many will be afraid to repeat this statement because they don’t know who they are and they won’t say a word.


Many do not know who they are so when the devil comes to them, they do not have the right answers to give him. They asked John Who are you? Are you Elijah, he said “No “. Are you that prophet he said “No”. Then who are you? Thank God he knew who he was. He said “I am the voice of that crieth in the wilderness……”

Many years ago, there was an unusual man in my former church. He was an unusual man because when they said pray he prayed the hardest, when they said evangelism 3 o’clock and he will be waiting for the Pastor to arrive and he used to prophecy. One day he stood up in the church and he began to prophecy --- “thus says the Lord in the next two years, men will begin to walk on the moon and they said “Pastor this is one of the prophets that confuse people in the church, tell them to keep quiet if they have nothing better to say”. The prophet died and went. Seven years after he died, the first men were on that moon that he prophesied. The man knew who he was. Do you know who you are?

Many who call themselves witches and wizards are very foolish. Because what benefit is it that you are a witch, wizard or that you have a familiar spirit. What sense is in it for you to eat your children or other people’s children? Why should you hinder or debar the progress of those who will help you at old age. It does not make sense. How many children of witches have scholarships, it is pure foolishness. Anyone in their group should know that it is the group of limitation better get out and discover your true identity.

It has been well said that the greatest enemy of man is himself, not the devil or witches. The most terrible form of man’s ignorance is what we are discussing now, ignorance of himself. People who do not know who they are, they are very dangerous people. For example, a particular religion believes that people who die reincarnate in form of animals. In that country, it is against their religion to kill cows or kill rats. The cows are growing fat on the street while the people die of hunger in that country.

Every cow in that country eats food that can be used to feed seven people and there are about 200 million scared cows in the country. If the people in that country stop feeding the cows they will have enough to feed a billion people and this is almost about 1/5th of the world’s population. What is the problem in that place? They have not discovered who they are.

A woman told me that while she was in the world, she normally helped her friends get customers of men. One day she got a customer for her friend, normally she waits outside when they are busy so that she can collect her own commission from her friend after her friend has been paid.

On this particular day she took her friend to the hotel to meet a man. They entered into the room while the woman waited outside as usual. Suddenly, she heard her friend screaming in the room and the whole thing was becoming scary so she decided to look through the key hole at what was happening. She found that her friend was naked but the man who entered just now had become a big snake and had coiled around the woman. The woman wanted to run but something told her “if you run the man who could become a snake inside only God knows what will happen, so wait”. So she waited.

When they finished, they were paid and they left the place. But to her amazement, her friend did not tell her what happened inside rather she was encouraging her that the man was good and nice, that she should go and try. This woman did not know herself. If you don’t know yourself, how can you know your friend? She did not know the kind of friend she had been going out with.

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